
Showing posts from November, 2024

Pregnancy and diabetes

  Pregnancy and diabetes: reducing  complications with technology Women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes often have difficulty  getting pregnant,  due to complications from the disease,  being obese or seriously underweight,  or having conditions  like polycystic ovary syndrome. Once pregnant, they  face the  challenges of having a safe pregnancy and delivering a  healthy baby.  Recent advances in diabetes technology,  including continuous glucose  monitoring (CGM) and most  recently hybrid closed-loop (HCL) insulin delivery  systems  can help women meet their pregnancy glucose targets and  achieve  significantly better health outcomes for themselves  and their infant. Vitamin D during pregnancy may boost  children’s bone health Taking extra vitamin D during pregnancy may improve the bone health of children, according  to  a new study.  Bone density scans revealed that childr...

How much coffee you can drink during your pregnancy

 International guidelines  recommend people limit how much coffee they drink during pregnancy—consuming caffeine – a stimulant – while pregnant  has been linked  to how the baby’s brain develops. Some  studies  have shown that increased coffee consumption during pregnancy is associated  with  the child having neurodevelopmental difficulties. These may include traits linked to  attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as difficulties with language, motor  skills, attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. But is coffee the cause? Our new research aimed to clear up the sometimes confusing advice  about drinking coffee during pregnancy. We studied tens of thousands of pregnant women over two decades. When other factors like  genes and income were accounted for, the results showed no causal link between drinking  coffee during pregnancy and a child’s neurodevelopmental difficulties. That means it’...